Accessible online documents e-learning course
SDS have developed an e-learning course on how to create accessible Word and PDF documents for online publication.
SDS have developed an e-learning course on how to create accessible Word and PDF documents for online publication.
SDS recently delivered two live and interactive courses on user research and customer journey mapping for Wealden District Council staff via MS Teams.
SDS outline ways to tailor your text messages to make them more effective.
Our Voice Discovery Research explores the current uses of smart speakers and the potential benefits of using smart speakers to access council services.
SDS has compiled a list of useful applications for SMS notifications in local government.
We have been busy converting our workshops and training sessions into bitesize videos. These videos are freely available to all our partners and can be tailored to meet your specific training needs.
Three local authorities share with us some of their digital responses to COVID-19 followed by a discussion of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
We have researched the key market leaders in payment solutions and found that GOV.UK pay meets many of the user needs we have identified.
SDS are exploring the viability of voice technology within local government. The first phase of the project focused on discovery research, outlining current market trends, uses and demographics.
SDS have completed a book and pay project on behalf on the London Borough of Bexley. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, SDS used a new online tool to enable the team to facilitate process capture workshops virtually. Using this tool, SDS held five workshops outlining the current process and the ideal process for a book […]