Usability Testing Training
Smarter Digital Services hold a series of workshops every year, and on request, to share our knowledge and help local authorities be more efficient and customer focused. A popular training session that we have been delivering is usability testing. Continuously testing your website’s usability will unfold issues and when fixed, will improve the overall experiences for your customers. User testing is important because it reveals:
• If users understand what they need to do
• Where in the journey users are encountering barriers
• Specific usability issues – for example, an interactive map that people cannot use or whether a link opens in a new tab and then they are stuck
• Generates ideas to improve your services
In the session, SDS cover the end-to-end project process of user testing. From the recruitment of participants to designing realistic scenarios to produce maximum output to conducting the test and presenting the findings. The session is aimed to fully equip the attendees with the necessary skills to usability test. An interactive section is also included as scenarios and job roles are role played in order to familiarise people with their newly learnt skills and put them into practice.
For more information and to enquire about usability testing, or other training and workshops SDS offer, visit the link below.