Focus Groups in Tandridge
Tandridge District Council (TDC) invited Smarter Digital Services to deliver a series of Focus Groups with residents to capture the voice of the customer and gain a better understanding of customers priority needs when contacting, interacting and transacting digitally with the council.
The Focus Groups were very lively and full of interesting discussion while we touched on 5 key areas:
- What positive customer service means to residents and what constitutes a good digital experience.
- Residents’ good and bad experiences of interacting with the council and what is important to them.
- Residents’ preferred method of contacting, interacting and transacting with the Council and why.
- What the ‘ideal’ digital environment would look like for residents when communicating, interacting and transacting with Tandridge District Council.
- Residents views on single customer accounts.
The Focus Groups allowed TDC to involve their residents in the process of developing a customer account that is built around the needs of those within the District, something that the residents who attended were very pleased to get involved with as they felt that their voice was being heard. If you would like to know more about these focus groups and the feedback we captured from them please let us know.